Category Archives: Newsletter

Getting Needs Met with Your Partner

Are you getting what you need in your primary relationship? If you’re like most, you’ve discovered getting needs met in love relationships can be tricky. One reason is an imbalance of power. Typically, one of the couple (for reasons of … Continue reading

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Uncomfortable When Others Cry?

Do you get uncomfortable when someone is crying? For many being around tears feels very squirmy. You don’t know what to say or do so you stand there awkwardly hoping the emotions will go away. The crier is usually similarly … Continue reading

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Do you know what to do with your demons?

Everyone has demons…a dark side born of inescapable human nature as well as inescapable life wounds. You likely already know what yours are… some variation of wrath, greed, sloth, pride, lust, envy, gluttony. As an upstanding human, you’ve likely also … Continue reading

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Should you end your life at age 75?

One of our nation’s leading oncologists, Dr. Ezekiel Emmanuel recently created a storm when he proposed in an article in the Atlantic that he didn’t want to live past 75 years of age. Dr. Emmanuel writes that this is the … Continue reading

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AAP’s BodyWise Symposium | June 2014

The setting for AAP’s BodyWise Symposium in Sonora last June couldn’t have been more beautiful. I was delighted to have this Keynote opportunity to share EMRx both at the site and through a world wide webcast. I was honored to … Continue reading

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You’re lucky to feel sad, mad, scared

A couple of weeks ago I saw a YouTube clip of comedian Louis C.K. describing how ‘lucky you are when you let sadness hit you like a truck.’ To my surprise, he goes on to describe and promote what I’ve … Continue reading

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Are you Troubled by Envy of Friends or Loved Ones?

Measuring yourself against others is typical (and sometimes advantageous) behavior for humans. You secretly (or not so secretly) exult when you’re better, crumple when you’re worse and breathe a sigh of relief when there’s nobody around to compare to.  Although … Continue reading

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Hurt Feelings Are Important In Relationships

Almost everybody knows sharing positive feelings is good for relationships. And unless you live under a rock, the Valentine’s Day marketing mania will make certain you get this. What’s not as widely known, though, is just how important sharing hurt … Continue reading

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Are You Missing Out On Grace?

Many of us walk around thinking we have to earn any and all rewards. If we receive some benefit as the result of working hard, we can accept that. But if another person surprises us with a gift and we … Continue reading

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The true cost of using medication as the default treatment for anxiety and depression

Years ago I had a client, Liz, who came to me with an anxiety disorder triggered by fear about moving in with a new love. Liz was considering medication but knew I often helped people manage such things without meds. … Continue reading

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