
If you’ve ever asked yourself any of the following questions:

“How do I experience the present moment fully and be here now?”

“How do I make my life and relationships work?”

“How do I find inner peace in the face of life crises?” i.e., death or loss of a loved one, divorce, discovery of childhood molestation, addiction, loss of livelihood, life-threatening illness, etc.

“How can I develop enough self-love to stop self-destructive behavior?”

“How can I develop my will?”

“What is the meaning of my life?”

“What is psychosynthesis and how can it help me?”

…then you can benefit from Bio-Psychosynthesis!

More Info on Psychosynthesis

* For more information about Bio-Psychosynthesis, please click here. *

Psychosynthesis is a form of therapy developed by an Italian psychiatrist, Roberto Assagioli, in 1910. Assagioli, though initially a practitioner of Freudian Psychology in Italy, was inspired to provide an avenue for the experience and creative use of supraconscious as well as conscious and unconscious energies of the Self. Assagioli was a pioneer of techniques for evoking, aligning, and utilizing the Will in the psychotherapy process. Bio-Psychosynthesis utilizes body wisdom to access higher and lower self energies for helaing and guidance.

Sessions begin with an intention to help you become fully present in the moment through the use of:


*Moment by Moment Tracking of  the Therapeutic Relationship based on AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy) and IPNB (Interpersonal Neuro Biology)

*Body Sensations

*Energy Tracking

*Neuro-biological Trauma Resolution based on Somatic Experiencing

*Emotional Release Work based  on AEDP Biodynamic Psychotherapy and Bioenergetic Psychotherapy.

*Visualization, Affirmation, Journaling

*Music and Movement Work and Play

*Inner Child Work

*Psychosynthesis Sub-Personality Work

*Psychosynthesis Self Aligning Work

*Internal and External Family Systems Work

Clients are guided to deepen and heighten an experience of self acceptance, self confidence, empowerment and ease in relationships. Practical techniques are used to integrate transformation into all areas of daily life.

Penelope is available for lectures and workshops on Bio-Psychosynthesis, The VIVO Method™ and BodyMind Healing. Please call (858) 481-5752 for scheduling.