“The VIVO Oral Focus (VOF) kit was tested in a pilot research project at the Sanoviv Medical Institute in Baja, California, Mexico in 2008 to determine if VOF was useful in decreasing pain, reducing anxiety and increasing happiness and optimism. In an experimental group10 subjects used the VOF kit for five days. 10 control group subjects spent a similar amount of time listening to classical music. Both groups were tested at the beginning and end of the five days on four instruments:1) Short Form McGill Pain Questionnaire 2) Hamilton Anxiety Scale 3) Oxford Happiness Inventory 4) Seligman Optimism Test. T-tests were used to compare mean values before and after 5 days of utilization of VIVO Oral Focus sessions for each of the four instruments. Results indicated that the group using VOF were happier, less anxious and in less pain than before the utilization of VOF. The control group did not report any significant change in pain after listening to music for the same duration but they still felt happier and less anxious. However, the level of significance obtained for happiness and anxiety with group using VOF was higher than for group listening to music.”
The research investigators for this pilot study were:
Gaetan Chevalier, Ph.D.
Visiting Scientist
Developmental & Cell Biology Department,
UC Irvine, Irvine, CA.
Director of Research at Psy-tek Laboratories
for Thermal Imaging
Director of Research for Earthing Institute,
Encinitas, CA
Jude Gladstone Cade, Ph.D
Director of Psych-Spiritual Programs
Sanoviv Medical Center in Baja, California Mexico
From 2005—2007