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Do you know how to let your body lead?

If you’re like most of us the relationship you have with your body is one of domination and control. You likely learned early on that you could override most body signals. You could put off eating, drinking water, moving your bowels, sleeping, exercising, resting, and expressing emotion. You could also override your body’s stop signals and eat, drink, party, watch too much TV or play too many video games. Of course at some point your body says: “Enough” and you may end up with physical or mental illness or worse. In Japan executives so regularly die from overwork that cause of mortality has it’s own name – “Karoshi”.

If you see yourself in any of the above descriptions, no blame! Dominating bodies is a worldwide problem. We have not been educated about the importance of listening to and cooperating with our bodies. And we’ve certainly not been taught how to let our bodies lead.

Affective neuroscience is now the focusing on the centrality of the living body and its emotional responses as a foundation for the neurobiological core self. Overriding body and emotional responses leads to a separation from the very core of our being.

But what’s a body to do? Dump anger at boss, spouse, child because you feel the anger rising? Dissolve into dysfunctional grief at the loss of love? Avoid a challenging new job, relocation because you can feel fear rising? Obviously the answer is not to trade one dominator (your mind) for another (your body.)

The solution is to create a new paradigm for body mind cooperation based in a particular kind of mindfulness. That is awareness that is at once fully Immanent (present in body experience) and Transcendent (distinct but not separate from body experience). Let’s call this I/T awareness for short.*

Learning to focus your attention on the blood, sweat and tears of your human experience while simultaneously staying connected to your ‘distinct’ awareness, puts you in position to make strategic choices for well being. You note your clenched teeth as the boss tells you to stay late, & make a plan to take Emotional Medicine later when you can do so safely and responsibly. With I/T awareness, you notice when you cry that your body is done in three minutes or less. And if you heed your body’s signals and stop when it is done, you feel confident and ready to take whatever action is required to restore well being.

Learning to let your body lead is a mindfulness practice. As such it brings benefits: increased grey matter and connections between brain cells, increased sense of calm and mastery. Like any mindfulness practice even a few moments of I/T awareness is infinitely greater than none. More importantly, letting your body lead enables you to embrace and cooperate with your core self as a vital, purposeful, integrated being connected to the body of the world.

*I am indebted to John Firman for his writing and clarity about the I/T Self.

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Would you like to be more compassionate?


be more compassion

You, like many, may be troubled by judgmentalness. Too often you find your mind overrun by a litany of criticism…of yourself and others. You’d like to let go of this, but you don’t know how.  Fortunately, the latest neuroscience research gives us some tantalizing clues. People who are in better touch moment by moment with what they are sensing and feeling in their bodies’, particularly their hearts, turn out to be more compassionate.

Here’s the tip. See if you’re ready to get out of your head. If not, no blame. It’s a big step to include your body’s experience in your awareness, especially if you’ve suffered emotional or physical trauma. Get support if necessary. If yes, shift the focus of your awareness from thoughts to sensations. Slow down and tune in to your heartbeat. Take your pulse to find the rhythm of life throbbing within. Observe if the beat is fast or slow. Resist any impulse to evaluate or worry. Just be here now…you with your heart…breathing. Next, place your hand on your heart to feel its warmth. Now is the time to be as self-centered as possible.

Finally, notice what it’s like to have this heart, your heart, tirelessly caring for you…doing it’s best for you…always.  Spend some time each day being there for yourself in this way. Watch as slowly and surely it becomes easier and easier to be there, you and your compassionate, unconditional heart, for yourself and others.

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Emotional Medicine, A Summer On The Road

Psychosynthesis Conference, Burlington Vermont

Psychosynthesis Conference, Burlington Vermont

What a wonderful and busy summer my book, my husband and I had. In June, we attended and presented at the Psychosynthesis Conference in Burlington VT. I always breathe deeply when I present EMRx in Psychosynthesis settings as Psychosynthesis provided me a foundation for the immanent/
transcendent spiritual impulse of Emotional Medicine Rx.

Psychosynthesis Conference, Burlington Vermont

Psychosynthesis Conference, Burlington Vermont

In VT We met old friends who have also written important books: Abby Seixus, Finding the Deep River Within: A Woman’s Guide to Recovering Balance and Meaning in Everyday Life, Dorothy (DiDi) Firman, Engaging Life, Living Well with Chronic Illness. And a new friend, Eina McHugh who has written a profound memoir about her experience with analytic Psychosynthesis, To Call Myself Beloved. All of these books are available on Amazon.

In June and July I presented EMRx to two Grey Matters Brain Injury Support Groups: one at Sharp Hospital and one in Del Mar.  It is always an honor to share Emotional Medicine with people who have survived and thrived through the hugely disorienting challenge of brain injury.  Photos below from Grey Matters Brain Injury Support Group.

Grey Matters Brain Injury Support Group, Sharp Hospital

Grey Matters Brain Injury Support Group, Sharp Hospital


Arturo, my book and I also had an illuminating time in Asheville, NC where I gave In-Service workshops for clinical staff at Cooper Riis Healing Community’s Farm and Asheville Campuses. I was so impressed with the dedication, wisdom and compassion of Cooper Riis staff Founder Lisbeth Riis Cooper has gathered. One of the many nurturing elements of Cooper Riis is that the Farm Campus has huge biodynamic gardens filled with vegetables that help feed the residents. In addition, residents help manage and maintain the gardens. The food was incredible. Please check out the Cooper Riis website to see what purpose oriented community based natural healing for mental illness looks like. We also had the great pleasure of staying offsite at Elizabeth Riis and Don Cooper’s home overlooking the gorgeous mountains of Asheville.

Malaprops Bookstore, Asheville NC

Malaprops Bookstore, Asheville NC

I had the great pleasure of presenting EMRx at Malaprops Bookstore also in Asheville. Malaprops is a gem of enlightenment. It was fun meeting such a lively, literate and bodymindfully sophisticated audience. Their program director, Caroline Cristopolus was a joy to work with.

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You’re lucky to feel sad, mad, scared

A couple of weeks ago I saw a YouTube clip of comedian Louis C.K. describing how ‘lucky you are when you let sadness hit you like a truck.’ To my surprise, he goes on to describe and promote what I’ve been calling Emotional Medicine! C.K. encourages you to look for sad moments, to let yourself feel sad and cry ‘like bitches’ because your body has what he calls ‘antibodies of happiness’ that come rushing in to meet the sadness. Wise man, C.K. Here’s the 4 minute clip:<>

Sound familiar? This is what my book Emotional Medicine Rx is all about! LA Times columnist Meghan Daum called C.K. a modern day ‘holy man’ and proposed that watching clips like his is a form of secular church going. If that’s the case, EMRx is a bible for learning exactly how briefly experienced sad, mad, scared emotions can be delivery systems for ‘true, profound, happiness’. (And when I say, brief, I mean typically 3 minutes or less).

My lifes work is to help people know that feeling emotion is safe and natural. I second C.K.’s (e) motion about being lucky to feel sad (and I would add mad and scared). You are lucky because when emotion courses through your being, you are given power to take healthy action for yourself and your world (big and small). Your entire bodymind is affected positively by emotions moving briefly through your body systems enabling you to breathe better, think better, move better, work better, poop better, play better, and love better.

The challenge is that emotion doesn’t typically hit us like a truck. For many, emotion doesn’t show up at all. What you often feel instead is numbness, flatness, depression, anxiety, or myriad physical symptoms. The reason my book is 280 pages and C.K.’s you tube is 4 minutes is because he was ‘lucky’ enough to get hit by a wave of sadness and more importantly wise enough to stop what he was doing and allow that wave to crest and roll on by.

When you’re not that lucky, or have trouble riding waves of emotion, you may need to heal inner wounds that have left you numb, fearful or resistant to emotion. If you are seriously numb or fearful of emotion and have many somatic complaints, get professional help to thaw out and feel again. No blame!

Even though what C.K. did sounds simple on the surface, he obviously had a world view in which he valued and welcomed emotion. He was willing to brake (literally) for emotion. He found a way to safely and responsibly cooperate with a wave of sadness until profound happiness came rushing in.

In any case, the first thing you can do to make yourself a more likely candidate for an influx of happiness is to make your own decision to brake for emotions. This means deciding to stop, notice, and experience the signals your body is sending that emotions are present and about to roll. These signals may vary from tearing up, sighing, clenching teeth, making a fist, to feeling sobs rising in your chest. Ask inside if you are sad, mad, scared. If you feel safe and comfortable, allow emotion to move briefly through your body. Set the timer!

Remember, even a homeopathic dose, like a single tear, if consciously experienced and welcomed, can start shifting the biochemistry in your body so you begin to feel relief. Perhaps more importantly, the next time a big set of emotion appears you’ll be able to ride its waves and experience the wonder of how feeling so bad can change into feeling so good…so fast.

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Louis C.K. endorses emotional medicine!

In this touching 4 minute clip with Conan, Louis CK invites us all to look for and welcome sad moments. He reminds us we are lucky to be sad and cry ‘like bitches’ because as soon as we stop crying true, profound happiness comes rushing in. Sound familiar? This is what my book Emotional Medicine Rx: Cry When You’re Sad, Stop When You’re Done, Feel Good Fast (EMRx) is all about! LA Times columnist Meghan Daum called C.K. a modern day ‘holy man’ and proposed that watching clips like these is a form of secular church going. In that case, I invite you to consider my book, EMRx, your ‘bible’ for learning how sad, mad, scared emotions can all be delivery systems for ‘true, profound, happiness’.

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Men and Depression

Men and DepressionScience is just now discovering that men experience just as much depression as women… they just manifest it differently (LA Times Source). In a nutshell:  men get irritable and women get ‘down in the dumps’ and/or ‘weepy.’ While this news may bring more attention to men’s mental health issues, which is a good thing, depression, no matter how it manifests, is a smokescreen. What is needed is to look below chronic irritability, lethargy, or weepiness for the painful, but healthy, feelings of grief, anger and fear that lie beneath.

Over my years of working with clients, I’ve often seen how chronic irritability is a tip off anger has not been fully experienced. Fully experiencing emotion means you actually are present for and allow emotion to move through your body.  In my book, Emotional Medicine Rx: Cry When You’re Sad, Stop When You’re Done, Feel Good Fast, (Available on Amazon, BN and this website,) I talk about how this can be as brief as 3 minutes!

The trick is to let your body lead.

Letting your body lead involves using your awareness to locate the feelings of irritability and/or weepiness in your body…then (after finding a safe place) drop in to look for and allow the underlying emotion to move through limbs, chest, throat, guts until a cycle is completed and you are left in a state of well being.  (Remember 3 minutes or less, I’m not kidding! Your body is not neurotic.  It will be finished with any emotional upset way before your mind is.)

Of course there’s a bit of a catch here.  Letting your body lead you through sad, mad, or
scared feelings means noticing bodymindfully what you need to do to cooperate with the brief movement of said emotion through your body.  Letting your body lead means stopping when your body is done with any brief emotional flow. This requires awareness and practice!

After your body is done, if  you focus on how relieved your body feels (for another three minutes or 10 breaths) you can watch depression dissolve as subtle or not so subtle waves of feeling good move through your body.

I know this may sound or seem scary, but healthy emotional experience can really be this brief.  More importantly, it can short circuit chronic irritability and chronic depression while restoring your vitality.

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Are you having enough fun in your free time?

Are you having enough fun in your free time? Studies have shown that watching TV or scrolling Facebook feels good for about 30 minutes. After that, those passive leisure activities often leave you feeling drained and lethargic. The problem is those siren screens seem irresistible. You’re tired, they’re there, and furthermore your brain is wired to seek the path of least resistance. Active leisure like crafting, playing an instrument, painting, takes effort. Finding strategic ways to make satisfying activities more alluring is a real challenge.

Couple Playing on a Swing

Here’s the tip. First, ask yourself if you’d like to have more fun in your life. If the answer is no and you’re enjoying life plenty…go play! If no, but it’s too overwhelming to think about, consider seeking support for healing old habits of denying pleasure.
If yes, and you’re ready to do something about it, take a moment to appreciate yourself. You’re reaching out for more fulfillment! Next, take an inventory of the engaging activities/projects that are just now gathering dust in your garage, basement, spare room. Finally, and this is really important, find a way to bring one or two of those items prominently, permanently into your living space…You want those paints, knitting needles, instruments as obvious and accessible as your remote and mouse. (For a hard-core effort, take batteries out of the remote and unplug the computer!)

Remember, the first few minutes of doing something new may be uncomfortable, but the last few minutes will likely fill you with joy.

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Empathic Therapy Conference Report

Dr. Peter Breggin and Ginger Breggin’s Empathic Therapy Conference in Syracuse was so inspiring! We were deeply touched by the stories of some of the survivors of Psychiatric abuse, and deeply grateful to hear of efforts in so many directions (legal, pediatric, parenting training) to support human beings in using natural resources (starting with Penelope Young Andradeempathy!) instead of medications to manage adult  and childhood issues of of anxiety, depression, psychosis, and ADHD.  I was horrified to learn that children as young as 3 years of age are given bi-polar diagnoses and meds and that prescribing meds for hyperactivity is the current norm regardless of the long term brain and body side effects.  The Breggins’ will soon offer a DVD series of the major speakers so you can be similarly inspired. Dr. Bert Koren who was this year’s Empathic Tx Honoree and Dr. Breggin were among the completely compelling speakers… describing how they work effectively and compassionately with deeply disturbed people.

I was also delighted to meet Lisbeth Cooper Riis and learn about the Cooper Riis Healing Community ( she and her husband, through grit and grace have developed. This is a healing center where people with mental distress can go and reconnect with nature, with purposeful community participation, with the simple pleasure of growing, preparing and sharing healthy organic food. In addition creative art, movement, body, emotion and imaginal therapies are used to help restore residents’ health and happiness.

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Are you ready to be your own good Father?

Are you ready to be your own good father? Good fathers protect, acknowledge and encourage. They teach the importance of taking responsibility and taking risks. They acknowledge fledgling efforts and cheer you at every impasse. If you were lucky enough to have such a dad, you have a good model to follow.  If you didn’t get enough of this attention as a child, you may be having a hard time achieving life goals now. Unfortunately, these adult difficulties often lead to self recrimination and blame.

Here’s the tip. First, see if you feel ready to take on fatherly responsibility for yourself. If not, no blame. Seek help from a compassionate and skilled professional.  If yes, start with a commitment to stop judging yourself. Then, make a daily list of the small, seemingly insignificant goals you achieve every day. Call it your ‘Already Done’ list.  Next, and this is very important, slow down enough to make sure you actually feel good about what you’re already doing. Sad, mad, scared emotions may arise as you take in the acknowledgment you deserve. Allow them to move briefly. If numb, breathe and be present with the experience of numbness in your body until it dissolves and you can feel again.

Finally, once peaceful, think carefully about your aspirations. If you have a big dream, chunk it into easily achievable actions….each one building on the next.

Remember, every long journey begins with a single step.  You can do it!

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